Energy management systems (EnMS)

ISO 50001:2018 is an international standard setting requirements for Energy Management Systems. The ISO 50001:2018 standard lays the foundations for the management of energy use in organizations. The standard is applicable to all types of organizations, regardless of their size or the sector in which they operate, and can be applied both individually and in conjunction with other standards.

ISO 50001: 2018 is a standard based on the analysis of energy consumption, postulation of energy policies of organizations, creation of frameworks and programs for energy management to contribute to more efficient energy management. ISO 50001: 2018 specifies the specific requirements applicable to the use and consumption of energy, including measurement, documentation and reporting, planning and purchase of equipment, human resources, etc., which contribute to energy performance.

Determining the energy profile of the organization, as well as studying the amount of energy consumed in the past, current and future energy consumption and developing an energy monitoring plan helps to improve energy management. This sets general and specific energy goals and creates more efficient models of energy use, which saves the organization money.

Any organization wishing to reduce its energy costs or the harmful impact of used fuels on the environment is appropriate to develop and implement an energy management system and apply for ISO 50001: 2018 certification.

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    The application of an energy management system according to ISO 50001: 2018 is compatible and applicable integration with many other management systems, for example: quality management systems according to ISO 9001, occupational health and safety management systems according to BS OHSAS 18001 or ISO 45001, ISO 14001 environmental management systems or food safety management systems according to ISO 22000. Such integration of management systems can provide a more efficient business infrastructure and higher competitiveness.

    Advantages of the application of energy management system ISO 50001: 2018 for the organization
    • Energy cost savings;

    • Greater awareness of energy efficiency and employee participation and commitment in this direction;

    • Reduce energy costs by making decisions based on consumption data.

    • Reduction of the harmful impact on the environment and emissions of greenhouse and other gases;

    • More efficient and transparent resource management and competitive advantage;

    • Subsequent certification according to ISO 50001: 2018 can contribute to improving the success of participation in public procurement and will increase the corporate reputation.